Dr. Hrund Ólöf Andradóttir
Professor at School of Engineeirng and Natural Sciences at UI.
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Location VR2 – V02-255b
Hjarðarhagi 2-6
107 Reykjavík
Email: hrund@hi.is
Tel. +354 525 4656
Research field: Environmental fluid transport processes with applications such as physical limnology, sustainable urban drainage, and air quality.
ISI Articles
Book Capters
Local articles
Conference proceedings
Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000
M.Sc., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997
B.Sc., Civil Engineering, University of Iceland, 1994
Academic and professional services
Chair, University of Iceland Planning Committee, 2018-2024
President/Treasurer, Icelandic Water and Wastewater Association, 2012-
Member, Icelandic Hydrological Committee, 2010-
Member, Icelandic Research Fund Expert Panel, 2013-15
Board of Directors, Engineering Research Institute, University of Iceland, 2012-15
Board of Directors, Environment and Natural Resources Study Program, University of Iceland, 2008-11 & 2014-16
Member, University of Iceland Planning Committee, 2007-15
Board of Directors, Association of Chartered Engineers in Iceland, 2008-10
Member, School of Engineering and Science Research Committee, University of Iceland, 2009-11
Chair, School of Engineering and Science Environmental Committee, University of Iceland, 2009-11
ISI Articles
- Gunnarsdóttir, M.J., Tómasdóttir, S., Örlygsson, O., Andradóttir, H.Ó., Garðarsson, S.M. (2024). Impact of wildfire on the drinking water catchment for the capital area of Iceland – A case Study, Environmental Science: Advances Gunnarsdottir, 10.1039/D4VA00352G.
- Zaqout, T. and Andradóttir, H.Ó. (2024). Impacts of climate change on winter floods: Spatial variability, trends, and bivariate frequency of rain-on-snow and soil frost, J. of Hydrology, 638, 131439
- Andradóttir, H.Ó., Hjartardóttir, B., and Thorsteinsson, Th. (2024). Black carbon along a highway and in a residential neighborhood, Atmosphere, 15(3), 312.
- Ramón, C.L., Priet-Mahéo, M.C., Rueda, F.J. and Andradóttir, H.Ó. (2024). The impact of deep glacial water diversions from a hydroelectric reservoir in the thermal dynamics of a sub-arctic lake, J. of Hydrology, 635, 131081
- Hube, S., Zaqout, T., Ögmundarson, Ó., Andradóttir, H. Ó. & Wu, B. (2023). Constructed wetlands with recycled concrete for wastewater treatment in cold climate: Performance and life cycle assessment, Sci. Tot. Environ., 904, 166778.
- Zaqout, T., Andradóttir, H.Ó. , and Sörensen, J. (2023). Trends in soil frost formation in a warming maritime climate and the impacts on urban flood risk, J. of Hydrology, 617, 128978
- Zaqout, T., Andradóttir, H.Ó., and Arnalds, Ó. (2022). Infiltration capacity in urban areas undergoing frequent snow and freeze-thaw cycles: Implications on Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems, J. of Hydrology, 607, 127495
- Zaqout, T. and Andradóttir, H.Ó. (2021). Hydrologic performance of grass swales in cold maritime climates: Impacts of frost, rain-on-snow and snow cover on flow and volume reduction, J. of Hydrology, 126159
- Andradóttir, H.Ó., Arnardóttir, A.R. and Zaqout, T. (2021). Rain on snow induced urban floods in cold maritime climate: Risk, indicators and trends, Hydrol. Proc., 14298
- Barr, B.C, Andradóttir, H.Ó., Thorsteinsson, Th. and Erlingsson, S. (2021). Mitigation of Suspendable Road Dust in a Subpolar, Oceanic Climate. Sustainability, 13(17), 9607; https://doi.org/10.3390/su13179607
- Garðardóttir, R.B., Andradóttir, H.Ó. and Thorsteinsson, Th. (2020). Protect me from what I want: Understanding excessive polluting behavior and willingness to act, Sustainability. 12(14), 5867; https://doi.org/10.3390/su12145867
open access - Ramón, C.L., Priet-Mahéo, M.C., Rueda, F.J. and Andradóttir, H.Ó. (2020). Inflow dynamics in weakly stratified lakes subject to large isopycnal displacements. Water Resources Research, doi: 10.1029/2019WR026578
- Andradóttir, H.Ó. and Thorsteinsson, T. (2019). Repeated extreme particulate matter episodes due to fireworks in Iceland and stakeholders’ response, Journal of Cleaner Production, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.06.342
- Priet-Mahéo, M.C., Ramón, C.L., Rueda, F.J. and Andradóttir, H.Ó. (2019). Mixing and internal dynamics of a medium‐size and deep lake near the Arctic Circle. Limnology and Oceanography, 64(1), 61-80. https://doi.org/10.1002/lno.11019
- Gunnarsdottir, M.J., Persson, K.M., Andradóttir, H.Ó., and Gardarsson, S.M. (2017). Status of small water supplies in the Nordic countries: Characteristics, water quality and challenges, Int. J. Hygiene and Environ. Health, 220(8):1309-1317.
- Forrest, A.L. , Andradóttir, H.Ó., Mathis, T.J., Wittmann, M.E., Reuter, J.E. and Schladow, S.G. (2017), Passive transport of a benthic bivalve (Corbicula fluminea) in large lakes: Implications for deepwater establishment of invasive species, Hydrobiologia. 797:87–102. DOI 10.1007/s10750-017-3162-y
- Andradóttir, H.Ó. (2017). Impact of wind on storm water pond particulate removal, J. Environ. Eng. ASCE, 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0001221 Open access
- Andradóttir, H.Ó., and Mortamet, M.L. (2016). Impact of wind on storm water pond hydraulics, J. Hydraulic. Eng. ASCE., 142(10),04016034. 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001150,
- Hlodversdottir, A.O., Bjornsson, B., Andradottir, H.O., Eliasson, J. and Crochet, P. (2015). Assessment of flood hazard in a combined sewer system in Reykjavik city center, Water Sci. Tech., 71(10), 1471–1477, doi:10.2166/wst.2015.119
- Andradóttir, H.Ó., and Vollertsen, G.E. (2015). Temporal variability of heavy metals in suburban road runoff in rainy cold climate, J. Environ. Eng. ASCE., 141(3), 04014068.
- Ólafsdóttir, S., Garðarsson, S.M., and Andradóttir, H.Ó. (2014). Natural near field sinks of hydrogen sulfide from two geothermal power plants in Iceland. Atmospheric Environment, 96, 236-244.
- Ólafsdóttir, S., Garðarsson, S.M., and Andradóttir, H.Ó. (2014). Spatial distribution of hydrogen sulfide from two geothermal power plants in complex terrain. Atmospheric Environment, 82, 60-70.
- Gunnarsdóttir, M.J., Andradóttir H.Ó., and Garðarsson, S.M. (2013) Microbial contamination in groundwater supply in cold climate and pumice: Case study of norovirus outbreak at Lake Mývatn, Iceland, Hydrology Research, 44(6), 1114-1128.
- Andradóttir, H.Ó., Rueda, F.J., Armengol, J., and Marcé R. (2012), Characterization of residence time variability in a managed monomictic reservoir, Water Resour. Res., 48(11), W11505, doi:10.1029/2012WR012069.
- Forrest, A.L., Andradóttir, H.Ó., and Laval, B.E. (2012). Wind preconditioning of an underflow during ice-breakup in a subarctic lake, Aquatic Sciences, 74(2), 361-374, DOI: 10.1007/s00027-011-0227-2.
- Andradóttir, H.Ó., and Nepf, H.M. (2001). Impact of exchange flows on wetland flushing, Water Resources Research, 37(12), 3265-3273
- Andradóttir H.Ó., and Nepf, H.M. (2000). Thermal mediation in a natural littoral wetland: Measurements and modeling, Water Resources Research, 36(10), 2937-2946
- Andradóttir H.Ó., and Nepf, H.M. (2000). Thermal mediation by littoral wetlands and impact on lake intrusion depth, Water Resources Research, 36(3), 725-735
Book Capters
- Andradóttir, H.Ó. (2012). Icelandic Lakes, Physical Characteristics. In L. Bengtsson, R.W. Herschy and R.W. Fairbridge (Ed.), Ecyclopedia of Lakes and Reservoirs, Springer, pp. 362-368, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-4410-6_224
- Andradóttir H.Ó. (2008). Thermal dynamics of sub-arctic lake Lagarfljót, In Ó.G. Blöndal Sveinsson (Ed), Nordic Hydrology and its global role, Vol. 1, NHP report no. 50, 82-93.
Local articles
- Sindri Þrastarson, Björn Marteinsson, Hrund Ó. Andradóttir (2019).Fýsileiki virkjunar sólarorku á norðurslóðum: Reynsla af sólarpanelum IKEA á Íslandi. Verktækni, 25.
- María J. Gunnarsdóttir, Sigurður Magnús Garðarsson, Hrund Ó. Andradóttir, Alfreð Schiöth (2019). Áhrif loftslagsbreytinga á vatnsveitur og vatnsgæði á Íslandi – Áhættuþættir og aðgerðir, Verktækni, 25.
- Gunnar Gudmundsson, Hrund Ó. Andradóttir, Þröstur Þorsteinsson (2018). Mengun af völdum flugelda og áhrif a lungnaheilsu Íslendinga. Læknablaðið, 104(12), 576 – 577.
- Halla Einarsdóttir, Ágúst Elí Ágústsson, Hrund Ó. Andradóttir, Magnús Bjarklind og Reynir Sævarsson (2018). Hönnun og virkni léttra gróðurþaka við íslenskar aðstæður, Verktækni, 24, 31-41.
- Eyrún Pétursdóttir, Hrund Ó. Andradóttir, og Halldóra Hreggviðsdóttir (2017). Lykilþættir í innleiðingu blágrænna ofanvatnslausna á Íslandi. Verktækni, 23, 50-55.
- Eyrún Pétursdóttir, Hrund Ó. Andradóttir, og Halldóra Hreggviðsdóttir (2017). Lykilþættir í innleiðingu blágrænna ofanvatnslausna á Íslandi. Sveitarstjórnarmál, bls. 6-8.
- Kjeld, A., Cabral, A.R., Gústafsson, L.E., Andradóttir, H.Ó., Bjarnadóttir, H.J., (2014) Microbial Methane Oxidation at the Fíflholt landfill in Iceland, Verktækni, 20(1), 31-36.
- Þórarinsdóttir, T., Garðarsson, S.M., Crochet, P., and Andradóttir, H.Ó. (2013). Þróun aðferðafræði fyrir mat á tæknilega mögulegu vatnsafli með notkun vatnafræðilíkana í hárri upplausn, Verktækni, 19(3), 23-27.
- Júlíusson, A.G., Bjarnadóttir, H.J., Andradóttir, H.Ó., Elíasson, J., and Gústafsson, L.E. (2011). Rannsóknir á hauggasmyndun í 10 urðunarstöðum (e. Research on landfill gas production in Icelandic landfills), Verktækni, 283-289.
- Ástvaldsson, L.R., Andradóttir, H.Ó., and Þórðarson, T. (2010). Blý í neysluvatni í húsum, könnun á þremur vatnsveitusvæðum á SV-Íslandi (e. Lead in drinking water in homes – survey in three water catchments in Southwestern Iceland), Verktækni, 221-229.
- Andradóttir, H.Ó., Ólafsdóttir, S., and Garðarsson, S.M. (2010). Lárétt dreifing gosstróka Eyjafjallajökuls metin út frá gervihnattamyndum (e. Lateral distribution of volcanic plumes from Eyjafjallajökull glacier estimated from satellite images), Verktækni, 239-248.
- Gunnarsdóttir, M.J., Andradóttir H.Ó., and Garðarsson, S.M. (2008) Sjúkdómsvaldandi örverur í grunnvatni (e. Pathogens in groundwater), Verktækni, 239-247
- Jónsson, S., Garðarsson, S.M. and Andradóttir H.Ó. (2007). Flóðrakning með takmörkuðum gögnum, Verktækni, 239-247
Conference proceedings
- Barr, B., Andradóttir H.Ó., Þorsteinsson Þ., Erlingsson, S. (2019). Losun svifryks frá gatnakerfinu á höfuðborgarsvæðinu – ferlar og líkan, Rannsóknaþing Vegagerðarinnar, Reykjavík, 1. nóvember 2019
- Zaqout, T., Andradóttir H.Ó., Sörensen, J. (2019) Urban infiltration in cold climate, oral presentation 10th Novatech, Lyon, France, 1-5 July 2019
- Ramón, C.L., Rueda F.J. Priet-Mahéo, M. and Andradóttir H.Ó. (2018) Human-induced changes in lake forcing: the impact of the Kárahnjúkar hydroelectric scheme in the hydrodynamics of Lake Lagarfljót, oral presentation 21st Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters (PPNW), Solothurn, Switzerland, 20-24 August 2018
- Andradottir H.Ó. (2010). Internal waves in weakly stratified Lake Lagarfljot. In Andradottir H. Ó. (Ed), Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, June 28-July 1, Reykjavík, Iceland, 126-127.
- Priet-Mahéo M.C. and Andradóttir H.Ó. (2010). Modeling the thermal behavior of subarctic water system during ice free conditions. In Andradottir H. Ó. (Ed), Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, June 28-July 1, Reykjavík, Iceland, 38-39.
- Vollertsen G.E., Andradóttir H.Ó. and Ingvarsdóttir H. (2009). Removal of heavy metals in a wet detention pond, Proceedings of the 11th Nordiske/NORDIWA Wastewater conference, Nov. 10-12, Odense, Denmark
- Andradóttir H.Ó., Forrest A.L., and Laval B.E. (2009). Fate of groundwater inflow in Lake Thingvallavatn during early spring ice-breakup, Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, Sept 1-4, Palermo, Italy
- Garðarsson, S.M, Andradóttir H.Ó., Sveinsson O.G.B., Ruesch C. (2008). Karahnjukar hydropower project climate change impacts, Proceedings of the 15th International Seminar on Hydropower Plants, 493-502, November 26-28, Vienna, Austria
- Andradóttir H.Ó. (2008). Assessing the footprint of Icelandic sea cage farms, Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP 19), Reykjavík, Iceland, August 17-20