Dr. Hrund Ólöf Andradóttir

Professor at School of Engineeirng and Natural Sciences at UI.
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Location VR2 – V02-255b
Hjarðarhagi 2-6
107 Reykjavík
Email: hrund@hi.is
Tel. +354 525 4656

Research Portal

Research field: Environmental fluid transport processes with applications such as physical limnology, sustainable urban drainage, and air quality.

ISI Articles
Book Capters
Local articles
Conference proceedings


Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000
M.Sc., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997
B.Sc., Civil Engineering, University of Iceland, 1994

Academic and professional services

Chair, University of Iceland Planning Committee, 2018-2024
President/Treasurer, Icelandic Water and Wastewater Association, 2012-
Member, Icelandic Hydrological Committee, 2010-
Member, Icelandic Research Fund Expert Panel, 2013-15
Board of Directors, Engineering Research Institute, University of Iceland, 2012-15
Board of Directors, Environment and Natural Resources Study Program, University of Iceland, 2008-11 & 2014-16
Member, University of Iceland Planning Committee, 2007-15
Board of Directors, Association of Chartered Engineers in Iceland, 2008-10
Member, School of Engineering and Science Research Committee, University of Iceland, 2009-11
Chair, School of Engineering and Science Environmental Committee, University of Iceland, 2009-11

ISI Articles

Book Capters

Local articles

Conference proceedings