Dr. Andradóttir research aims at increasing the understanding of the transport and fate of pollutants in the environment. Through analytical, statistical and field methods, the Andradóttir research group has characterized physical processes that affect environmental quality in a wide range of applications. Research include primary scientific research as well as practical research that helps improve pollution management practices.
Research applications:
- Physical limnology: Wetland and lake thermal capture and circulation, internal wave activities, differential heating and cooling between shallow and deep regions, river fate and transport in lakes, sediment transport and particle re-suspension.
- Sustainable urban drainage (SuDS): Chemical composition of road runoff, extreme short-duration rainfall and runoff statistics, green roofs and wet detention ponds treatment efficiency, urban flood hazard.
- Air quality: Black carbon, particulate matter and nitrogen oxides in Reykjavík; H2S from geothermal fields; Distribution of volcanic ash, and human sensitivity to volcanic SO2 pollution.
- Other: Groundwater transport and fate of viruses, oxygen transfer and depletion in estuaries, landfill gas transport and mitigation, and drinking water quality.
Principal Investigator of Research Grant Funds
- Multifunctional benefits of SuDS. Rannís Project Fund, 2024-
- Sustainable urban drainage in cold climate. Rannís Project Fund, 2018-2022
- Losun svifryks frá gatnakerfinu á höfuðborgarsvæðinu – ferlar og líkan. Vegagerðin
- Impact of hydropower damming on the physics of sub-arctic lakes. National Power Company Energy Research Fund, 2016-18.
- Three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling of Lake Lagarfljót. National Power Company Energy Research Fund, 2012.
- Environmental research in sub-arctic Lake Lagarfljót. National Power Company Energy Research Fund, 2008-11.
- Impacts of global warming on Reykjavík Energy´s wastewater collection system. Reykjavík Energy Research Fund, 2009.
- Lead pollution in potable water in Iceland. Reykjavík Energy Research Fund, 2009.
- Treatment efficiency of wet detention ponds, Reykjavík Energy Research Fund, 2008.
International Collaborators
- Lars Bengtsson, Ronny Berndtsson, Rolf Larssen, Water Resources Engineering, Lund Technical University, Sweden.
- Dr. Francisco Rueda, Physical & Computational Limnology group, University of Granada, Spain.
- Division of Water Resources Engineering, Lund Technical University, Sweden.
- Dr. Geoffrey Schladow, Tahoe Environmental Research Center, University of California-Davis, USA.
- Dr. Alexander Forrest, Australian Maritime College, Tasmania, Australia.
- Dr. Bernard Laval, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
- Dr. Rafael Marcé, ICRA Catalan Institute for Water Research, Spain.
- Dr. Joan Armengol, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.